Weekend… Um, Yay?

It’s Friday! Well, my fellow shut-ins, the weekend is here and there’s not a hell of a lot to be excited about. At my place it’s just me, my girlfriend, our dog Abby, and our cat Marilyn. So far it hasn’t been too bad but then again it’s really only been a few days. No one seems to know how long this is going to drag out, but it definitely won’t end anytime soon. So, in an effort to bring a little happiness to you, my readers, I decided to forgo the usual Friday double babes. Instead I’m going to put up the St. Patrick’s Day Babemania collection that I was planing to feature on March 17th, but didn’t because I was traveling home that day and didn’t post an update. How many delicious babes will there be, you ask? How does 50 sound? Yeah, I think 50 oughta do it.

Just in case you need any further examples of why we should perform social distancing, the video featured today is an interesting demonstration of how easily germs spread. Check it out if you have a few spare minutes—and I know you do!

So enjoy the belated St. Patrick’s Day Babemania and a heaping load of jokes! 


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