Christmas Story

It’s Wednesday. Last summer over the July 4th holiday the girlfriend and I took a trip out to the east coast. We stopped at a number of places along the way, one of which was the Rock ‘N Roll Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. I don’t remember who’s idea it was to seek out another famous Cleveland location, but after a quick Google search we found it—3159 W 11th St, Cleveland, Ohio. As you may have already guessed, it’s the house used in the holiday classic A Christmas Story

The house is in the Tremont neighborhood and was used to film the exterior scenes used in the film. All the interior scenes were filmed on a set in Canada. The house is now used as an attraction and museum that is open to the public. The inside has been restored to match how it was in the movie and visitors can walk through for a charge. When we were there we didn’t have time to take the inside tour, so we just walked around the house checking out the grounds and attractions across the street.

As it turns out, we didn’t need to take the interior tour because someone already did… and he filmed it! If you’re a fan of the movie then you’ll get a kick out of seeing this!  


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