Twistin’ the Night Away

It’s Wednesday. The past several days have been very abnormal for February in Illinois. We’ve been enjoying beautiful mild weather with plenty of sun and temperatures in the 60 and 70s. That is until now.

As I write this, multiple funnel clouds and tornados are being reported with heavy rain, hail, lightening, and high winds. Fortunately for us, this is all happening just north of us. All this mayhem is caused by a severe cold front that’s moving in that will drop our temperature by 40 or more degrees. We should have some of the horrid white stuff on the ground by morning along with a wind chill near zero degrees.

Now I’m hearing a tornado siren. But according to radar, it’s all still passing to our north. Very odd for February indeed.

One thing that makes it all better? Homemade Lasagna soup in my belly! Mmmm…



It’s Tuesday. It’s being hailed as the next great (and dangerously stupid) American sport… Ice Football. Personally, I think the Canadian’s are somehow responsible. And if it is American, why is the footage coming from a rink in Germany?



It’s Monday. We got some of the horrid white stuff Saturday morning, but then Sunday it got up to 60 degrees. And it looks like the warmer temperatures will continue into the week ahead. It’s still February, right? Maybe that groundhog was right after all.

It’s funny watching everyone in the neighborhood when we get the first nice day in late winter. Everybody is outside. People are washing their cars, cleaning out the garage, straightening up the yard, anything at all just to be outside. People are out in their shorts, kids are out on their bikes, and everyone is in a good mood. Can’t wait for summer!

They delivered our new bed Sunday afternoon. It has a remote that allows me to raise my head and feet. It also has vibration and lumbar adjustment. The girlfriend also has a remote and can adjust hers independently of mine. Fancy. Looking forward to trying it out tonight.


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