Groundhog Friday

It’s Friday! Well, according to a Pennsylvania Dutch superstition, if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on February 2nd and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks. If it does not see its shadow, then spring will arrive early. I don’t know where you live, but here in Illinois it’s pretty safe to say that no matter what that oversized rodent sees, we’ve got six to eight weeks *minimum* of winter remaining. So, Punxsutawney Phil can suck it.

In honor of Groundhog Day, Lay’s released a new commercial featuring Stephen Tobolowsky from the Groundhog Day film. I also have the Groundhog Day Jeep commercial (below) that Bill Murray did in 2020. Both are funny, but the Bill Murray one is best.

It’s been a long wait but Nascar is back this Sunday with the first preseason race! Bring on the LA Coliseum!

And that should do it for today. Oh, I almost forgot—it’s Friday, so the babes and jokes are doubled! (Actually, the jokes are more than doubled!)


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