Mid-Week Amateur Goodness

It’s Wednesday. I was going through my email the other day and came across an amateur photo from a reader that I somehow misplaced. So, I thought a little mid-week amateur goodness was in order. Enjoy!


Keep, think I might have sent you a pic every year or two when permission is granted, one of my favorites I forgot I had. -Anonymous

Chicago Eclipse

It’s Tuesday. So, if you’re reading this then there’s a good chance that you heeded the warnings and used glasses while checking out the eclipse yesterday. Though we were just outside the totality zone, here in the Chicagoland area we had perfect conditions with clear blue skies. As you can see in the photo, it didn’t get completely dark, but it was still pretty cool.

I was driving into town when the eclipse was just getting started. It was funny because along the way, everywhere I looked there were groups of people all standing around peering into the sky with goofy glasses on.

Until next time, eh…


Who Turned Off the Lights?

It’s Monday. Hey, we’re in for a solar eclipse today! A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, thereby obscuring the image of the Sun for us here on Earth.

Or if you listen to dimwit Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Green, it’s a warning from God and we should all repent.


Anyway, I had to work on both Saturday & Sunday for several hours, so my weekend went by quickly. In between work and our daily rainfall, I managed to get out to the park with Abby for a couple hours where she was able to run, play, and do important dog things. I also caught the Nascar race at Martinsville where William Byron picked up another win. Also, the girlfriend is having knee replacement surgery on Wednesday, so we’ve been preparing for that as well. She’s nervous (and me, too), but we’re hopeful the surgery will go well and we can concentrate on a smooth recovery over the next few weeks.


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