
It’s Friday! It appears we’ve entered into a typical summer cycle of weather here in Illinois. It gets hot—it rains—it gets warm again. And then it all repeats the next day. That sucks because car show season has begun and nobody will risk bringing their baby out with the rain coming down or even just the threat of rain. It may be time for me to perform my drought dance.

And Canada, if you could stop sending all that smoke from your wildfires down into Illinois, that would be great.

Friday means that not only are the babes and jokes doubled, but I also have a new amateur photo from one of my readers. I’m thinking that is a damn nice way to wrap up the week, eh! Enjoy.


Keep, I’ve been a fan of yours for years and wouldn’t even think of starting my day without you. My little honey likes your jokes and had a way of her own to show her appreciation. Use it on your site if you like it. Also we would like to remain anonymous please! -Anonymous

Scrap Art

It’s Thursday. I love art. Drawing, painting, you name it and I’m a fan. I like to mosey around the Internet from time to time and every now and then I get lucky and come across some cool stuff. I recently stumbled upon this small collection of sculpture art. It’s made by JK Brown who utilized scrap metal to create all the creatures in the gallery below. If you would like to see more of his work, go ahead and check out his website at Enjoy the photos!


Midweek Amateur Goodness

It’s Wednesday. Having Monday off sure does speed up the week. It would be nice if we could adopt a 4-day work week, eh? If you happen to live in countries like South Africa, Belgium, Iceland, and Japan then you might be in luck because all four are currently testing out a 4-day work week. I seriously doubt we’ll see that here in the States, at least not on a country level.

Anyway, I have some new amateur goodness for today. I apologize for the low resolution of the photo. I requested a high-res version, but never heard back. Enjoy…


Keep, Long time fan first time amateur goodness! Appreciate your content daily! Here is my Beautiful Brazilian Baby! Enjoy! -Anonymous

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