Bears vs. Packers

It’s Sunday! Well, this isn’t going to be pretty. The Chicago Bears will face their most bitter rival today, the Green Bay Packers. If history is any indication of how this will go down, the Bears are going to take this one the ass, and hard. On the line for the Bears is a shot at the playoffs. With that much pressure on them it almost certainly guarantees not just an ordinary loss, but a big-fat embarrassing one. 

To ease the pain I plan to break out the beer and munchies early.


Frighteningly Real

It’s Saturday! Every now and then Boston Dynamics releases a video to update the public on the development progress of their robots. In previous videos we’ve seen them demonstrate incredible balance through gymnastics, navigate various types of difficult terrain, and exhibit the dexterity to lift and manipulate objects. Each time they get one step closer to a full Skynet-style uprising. Check out their latest video where they attempt to distract us from their murderous intentions by showing off their latest dance moves. 


Welcome to 2021

It’s Friday! Happy New Year everyone.


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