Chilled To the Bone

It’s Monday. Brrr! Mother Nature has turned up the juice lately so now we have the horrid white stuff all over the ground. And over the weekend the temperature has taken a dive as well. When I got up yesterday morning it was only 15 degrees outside. Throw in some wind and you have all the ingredients for a Chicagoland winter. Thankfully, I didn’t have to go out into that mess over the weekend, so I was able to stay warm and cozy indoors.

The cold/flu that I’ve been fighting for the past week seems to have finally relented. The fever is gone and I’m starting to feel better every day. That was a horrible experience and I hope I can get through the rest of the winter without getting another. Though that’s going to be difficult through the holidays.

The Bears. Well, yesterday afternoon they went up against the best team in the league, the Eagles. Nobody thought the Bears had a chance in hell, and they were right—the Bears lost (25 – 20). However, it wasn’t the blowout people were expecting. The Bears played hard and did a respectable job. Once again this was another game they could’ve won but didn’t.


Extreme Santa

It’s Friday! Okay, call me traditional but I happen to enjoy an overwhelming amount of violence in my Christmas specials. There’s just something magical that happens when you combine candy canes, mistletoe, and a grenade launcher or two. That’s right, I’m talking about the classic Predator vs. Santa holiday special! It’s a heartwarming special that’s crammed so full of Christmas spirit, it aughta be illegal.

This damn cold of mine is still hanging on. It’s going into its sixth day now and from what I’ve heard from others, it may take up to another week before this thing runs its course.

It’s time to wrap this week up, so I put together a special collection of babes for today. I also threw in a few extra jokes as well. Enjoy!


Santa’s Got Style

It’s Thursday. Apparently the festive fat-man in red has a thing for Corvettes. At least he did back in 1967 when he appeared in this ad for the Ray Boyles dealership in Florida. What kills me is seeing those prices! A brand-spankin-new 1967 Rally Red 427 4-speed convertible for $3,795! Today the ’67 is considered the definitive Corvette for collectors. It’s one of the most sought after model years for a number of reasons, but mostly because it was the last of the C2 generation. Pure Corvette. If you can find an all-original survivor with all the options, it can command well into six figures (and above) at auction. So, Santa, if you’re reading this, I’ve been good this year. And if you’re looking for ideas—look no further.


Hey Keep … I didn’t even have a license until ’68 and ended up with a well used ’61 Volvo. -Paul in Ontario

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